Open Science as Part of Research Culture

Positioning of the DFG with differentiated consideration of potential and challenges
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Published: | By: RG

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) published its positioning titled “Open Science as Part of Research CultureExternal link” on October 17, 2022.

In it, the DFG considers open science as the transformation of scientific practices and processes that are established or designed to make research results openly accessible for the long term, thereby ensuring an increased uptake of these results by researchers and other stakeholders. The DFG regards open science to be a key part of the overarching discourse on research culture. In addition to knowledge gain, open science can also facilitate quality assurance processes and promote reproducibility and replicability, and therefore be a component of good research practice.

In its position paper on open science, the DFG expresses its support of further development of open science principles and practices based on a differentiated consideration of the potential and the challenges of open science from the point of view of research and scholarship.

In line with open science the full positioning paper was published on ZenodoExternal link.