Text+ Collaborative Projects - Call for Proposals 2024

The NFDI consortium Text+ funds projects that want to process and secure research data together with Text+. Applications can be submitted for one of the data domains digital collections, lexical resources, editions as well as for the task area infrastructure/operation. Application deadline is 31.03.2024.
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The consortium Text+External link of the Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) is funding projects that want to process and secure research data in collaboration with Text+. Text+ aims to establish a distributed research data infrastructure for research data in the humanities. The focus is on the data domains of digital collections, lexical resources and editions. Funding applications can be submitted for one of these data task areas as well as for the infrastructure/operation task area. To prepare an application, a consultation with the respective task area is recommended.

The aim of the call is to continuously expand the data and services offered by Text+ and make them available to the research community in the long term. The results of the collaboration projects should therefore be integrated into the Text+ infrastructure. This can be achieved by processing existing data within these projects in such a way that it becomes (permanently) available to the community through a data center that is already connected to the Text+ infrastructure. Alternatively, established and sustainable data centers with interfaces to technical infrastructure of Text+ can be integrated. Software and services can also be developed and should be provided under an open license, coordinated with Text+ and operable in the infrastructure in the long term.

Projects with a maximum duration of one calendar year will be funded, generally with a volume of between 35,000 and 65,000 euros. In addition, an overhead of 22% is granted. The duration of the projects is tied to the calendar year 2025 and lasts a maximum of 12 months. The earliest possible start of funding is January 1, 2025, the latest end of funding is December 31, 2025.

The application deadline is 31.03.2024.
The call for proposals, contact persons and further information can be found on the Text+ websiteExternal link.