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Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management

State initiative for research data management
Logo vom TKFDM
Image: TKFDM

Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management (TKFDM)

The TKFDM is the point of contact for researchers at all Thuringian universities in the field of research data management. This includes consulting, training and information events on all aspects of handling data generated during the research process.

The TKFDM is a cooperation between the research data management centres of the Thuringian universities (University of Erfurt, Ilmenau University of Technology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Bauhaus University Weimar) in order to provide all Thuringian universities with the widest possible range of services. To this end, the TKFDM works closely with the IT Centre of the Thuringian Universities (HS-ITZExternal link) and the Library Service Centre (BSCExternal link) of the Thuringian University Library Network (ThHoBiExternal link). Since 2023, there has also been close cooperation with the FDM-HAWExternal link Competence Cluster Jena-Erfurt-Nordhausen-Schmalkalden, which is funded by the BMBF and focuses even more strongly on the specific needs of universities of applied sciences (HAW).

The TKFDM was founded in October 2018 and is funded as part of the Thuringian Strategy for Digitalisation in Higher Education (2017-2020External link, 2021-2025External link).

The network's coordination office is based at the Competence Centre for Digital Research (zedif) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Further information on the TKFDM can also be found on the network's websiteExternal link.

  • Information Material

    The Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management offers various kinds of information material for download on its websiteExternal link. These range from handouts, best practices, posters or other material from past events to checklists on various topics relating to the handling of research data.

    You can also find the TKFDM's material on the following channels:

    YouTube channel of the TKFDMsExternal link
    Zenodo CommunityExternal link

  • Events

    The TKFDM organises various RDM-related events:

    FAIRest Dataset AwardExternal link - Wanted: the FAIRest data set in Thuringia, February 'til end of April!
    Online Coffee LectureExternal link - Once a month: RDM topics explained short and concisely.
    Thüringer FDM-TageExternal link - Online conference on research data management in June. 
    Data Horror WeekExternal link  -  Awareness Event on RDM on social media in October.

    All TKFDM events are recorded and recording are available on YouTubeExternal link. Related presentations are published on zenodoExternal link.

    If you would like to stay informed about events and news by TKFDM, please subscribe to its mailing list: https://lserv.uni-jena.de/mailman/listinfo/rdm-thueringen.External link

  • Data Steward Project

    The data stewards are part of the TKFDM and complement the existing consulting services offered by the RDM contact points at Thuringian universities. While the contact points are primarily active in a consulting capacity (e.g. in the creation of data management plans), the data stewards develop concrete solutions and implement them in practice. The data stewards work closely with the universities' service and infrastructure providers.

    You can find more information about the project and the application form for a data steward assignment on the following TKFDM websiteExternal link.


  • Local TKFDM Team

    The coordination office of the Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management is located at the Competence Center Digital Research (zedif) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

    Roman Gerlach (TKFDM Coordinator, vice-head of the Competence Center Digital Research at the University Jena)
    Dr. Cora Assmann (TKFDM member, lokal RDM support at the University Jena)