Stylized person that points to a whiteboard with a picture of books on it.

For Trainers

Pedagogical training for teaching digital research skills
Stylized person that points to a whiteboard with a picture of books on it.
Graphic: mohamed hassan (2018,, CC0)

In addition to our training courses on research data management (RDM) and research software engineering (RSE) topics, we also offer pedagogical qualification in these areas. These include the Train-the-Trainer Workshop on Research Data Management and the Carpentries Instructor Training.

We offer both training courses irregularly in coordination with the Carpentries and the FDM community. If you are interested in participating in one of these workshops, please feel free to email us at

RDM Train-the-Trainer Workshop

In the two-day train-the-trainer workshops on research data management, you will not only acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of research data management, but also the necessary knowledge on the social, didactic and organizational aspects of conducting an RDM workshop.

The RDM Train-the-Trainer workshops take place irregularly and are announced via various research data management mailing lists — for example link. If you would like to participate, please email us at; we will pass you on or, if there is sufficient demand, we organise a workshop.

The workshop concept was developed as part of the research project FDMentorExternal link (German only), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. All workshop contents, materials, and references to further literature can be found in the workshop conceptExternal link (German only), now in the fifth version. An English translation is currently in preparation.

Our RDM Trainer Trainers

  1. Assmann, Cora, Dr Research Data Management
  2. Schröter, Annett, Dr Research Data Management +49 3641 9-46344

    JenTower, Room 21S03
    Leutragraben 1
    07743 Jena

    Google Maps site planExternal link Annett Schröter
    Image: Annett Schröter
Logo of The Carpentries, CC BY 4.0
Logo of The Carpentries, CC BY 4.0
Graphic: The Carpentries

The Carpentries Instructor Training

The CarpentriesExternal link are an internationally active non-profit organization that aims to teach basic data and software skills in order to support efficient, open and reproducible research. As part of the Thuringian University Initiative for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in StudiesExternal link (German only), the University became the first German Platinum Member of the CarpentriesExternal link in 2022.

The four-day Carpentries Instructor Training (4 × 4h) teaches you evidence-based teaching methods according to the current state of teaching and learning psychology, shows you how to create a positive learning environment as an instructor, and gives you the opportunity to practise what you have learned in a trusting circle.

Three of our team members are certified Carpentries Instructor Trainers and conduct the Carpentries Insctructor Training twice a year, online. To learn more about participating in an Instructor Training, please visit The Carpentries’ information pageExternal link. Details about the course content are available on the curriculum pageExternal link. If you would like to take part in a Carpentries Instructor Training, please send us an email to  We will pass you on or, if there is sufficient demand, give a workshop for your institution or working group.

Our Carpentries Instructor Trainers

  1. Knüpfer, Christian, Dr Competence Center Digital Research
  2. Schäfer, Philipp, Dr Competence Center Digital Research
  3. Assmann, Cora, Dr Research Data Management