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The Thuringian Research Data Management Competence Network is sponsoring the sixth "FAIRest Dataset" Award.
We are looking for: the FAIRest dataset in Thuringia
Have you or your research group published a dataset that complies with the FAIR principlesExternal link? Then take part in the fifth FAIRest Dataset Award! The Thuringian Research Data Management Competence Network (TKFDM) awards prize money of up to 2.000 Euros to the dataset that best implements the FAIR principles. The FAIR principles were published in 2016 and are intended to help improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of research data.
Conditions of participation
Until April 15th 2025 all scientists at Thuringian universities have the opportunity to submit their published datasets, provided that they did not already receive the award in any previous FAIRest Dataset competitions. The submitted datasets are evaluated by the members of the Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management on the basis of the FAIR principles.
More information about conditions of participation can be found hereExternal link.